Unless you've been in an internet-free sound-proof cave with tinted windows for the last week or so, you will be fully aware that London Fashion Week kicked off today. So far it's been pretty damn great! Despite getting up far earlier than my usual freelance lifestyle calls for, I have met some lovely people and see some fantastic collections by some incredibly talented designers. My favourite so far?
Corrie Nielsen.
Corrie Nielsen's collection was titled, "Arbiter Elegantiarum" (which means "Judge of Tastes") and it was, to put it simply, quite stunning. You can definitely see why Galliano chose her as the winner of Fashion Fringe 2010 - her designs are just so intricate and detailed. Her mix of tailoring, draping and powerful ruffles created a strong silhouette with big shoulders, bustles and exaggerated hips, which were softened by a feminine Japanese influence. The colour palette was calm and elegant. The models walked in a slow, Geisha-like fashion and the show had a wonderfully calming atmosphere despite the usual chaos that Fashion Week brings. It was beautiful.
Please excuse my poor, poor photography. My camera and I are not the best of friends at the moment...

So what do you think? Do you like the collection?
I'd like to say a big thank you to the fantastic folks over at
Forward PR for putting on one hell of a show! It was a honour and a pleasure to witness.
Much love,
FrankieSwell Vintage