Yesterday Fiona of Save Our Shoes (my winner) and I went to London Fashion Weekend, courtesy of 3mobilebuzz, to take in some fashion and tweet with some other blogging ladies. If you were on Twitter yesterday, you were probably bombarded by our tweets throughout the day from our 3 mobile phones! I was given a HTC Hero, which took a little getting used to, but over all it's a very fancy phone. If you love a gadget, you'll love this phone.

Armed with our special 3 mobile phones, we were ready to take on the day! The first thing we did when we all arrived was head straight to Luella:

I literally couldn't believe my eyes when we got in there - so many beautiful things for ridiculously low sale prices! It is incredibly sad that Luella is no more, so we decided to do our bit for this worthy cause...
I'm head-over-heels in love with my new bag, and Fiona also managed to score a bargain

Natasha Bailie (who owns an awesome vintage shop, by the way) bought the most amazing vintage Christian Dior sunglasses!

After a bit of mooching around some incredible stands, we headed into the tent to watch some catwalk action.
I can't even express in words how much fun this (well, the whole day actually) was. All of these girls are absolutely amazing, and without gushing too much, I'm basically in love with all of them. The catwalk show was brilliant, but I have no doubt that it wouldn't have been as great if these ladies weren't with me.
Here are a couple of my favourite catwalk looks:

I really enjoyed Betty Jackson's pieces (bum ruffles are NOT just for children, FYI...) and all of the romance and floatiness that poured from the catwalk. Dreamy.
Basically I had the best Saturday ever! I got to spend the day looking at beautiful fashion with the loveliest people - what more could a girl want?! I want to say a huge giant THANK YOU to the lovely ladies at 1000heads and 3mobilebuzz for making our day so fantastic, and to all of my new gorgeous blogging friends - same time next year, ladies??
I think I'm rambled on and gushed quite enough for one day! Next week I'll be posting some photos of new designs (promise).
Much love,
Swell Vintage