Friday, 13 January 2012

In good Company

Hello my lovely friends,

I know we're already 13 days in, but I just want to say Happy New Year! 2012, eh? I have no doubt this year will speed by just as fast as the last one. I guess time flies when you're having fun!

If you follow Swell Vintage on Facebook or Twitter, you may have already seen my exciting news. This very blog that you are reading right now has been nominated for two Company Style Blogger awards! Pretty crazy, huh? I'm in great company too! So many of my lovely friends have also been nominated, and their blogs are all equally amazing. I'm going to have to vote multiple times as there's no way I can pick between them!

I've been nominated in two categories - the "Best 'We Love Vintage' Blog" and "Overall Winner: The Blog You Love The Most". As flattering as this is, I am fairly certain I will not win. I'm not just saying that to sound humble, or to try and get sympathy. That is not how I roll. If you look in my categories, the competition is stiffer than stiff, and includes a number of blogs with far bigger readerships than mine. However, if you like what you read and fancy making my day, I'd be extremely grateful if you'd vote for me (I'm If you vote and enter your email address, you could also be in with a chance of winning £250 in New Look vouchers, so it would be mutually beneficial. Just saying. Not that you're the kind of person that takes bribes...I know you're better than that. But every little helps, right?

In case you haven't picked up on my subtle linking, you can vote for me here.

I'm going to stop sounding desperate now. Thank you for reading and (hopefully) for voting. You are my whole world.

Much love,

Swell Vintage
